
It’s quiet, no kids, just me. As the sun beams passed me, I stared at my shadow, but what’s that?

“Paul is that you?” But no it’s not. Laughter fills my head, we used to say that we were invincible, but that wasn’t the case. Every day he became weaker and weaker, untill the point when he didn’t even hold my hand. I kept asking, ‘re you o.k?’ His replay , the same old, “I’m fine.” but it wasn’t the same. There was no ‘honey’ at the end. The day finally came, death occupied his soul, his life was no more!


“Come on! Lets go!” screamed Katie, “Jack shouted “ I’m just getting my hat “ . Katie sighed “ Were going to be late!” . They both walked out onto the road. The sun was shining brightly yet it was like being in the North Pole! There on the road, still as statues.

“Were are we going?” Jack asked, Katie replied saying “ You know!”. They both started walking up the road, even though there was a pavement next to them. They were trying to avoid something, something mighty. I was hiding behind a bush. I kept on following them up the road.

The Garden – by Sarah

‘’I’m very sorry to inform you sir, your wife has been diagnosed with a very fatal illness,’’ sighed the doctor as he picked up his battered brief case. ‘’I have done all I can to help her, but I’m afraid there’s nothing more I can do.’’

Mr Johnson showed the doctor to the door and then joined his distraught daughter in their now dead garden. ‘’As mum is dying, so is the garden,’’ sobbed Poppy as their shadows were projected onto the dead grass underfoot, by the setting sun. If the grass grows she will live, if only they knew.


He did not hold my hand as gently as before. His face was as pale as death, as we walked down the street at the beginning of nightfall. I was wearing my brown velvet hat that he loved. He pulled his hand away from mine, “what’s wrong?”, I cried. I stood still in fear as he walked towards me. “I know what you have done!”

Wait, what is that? He pulled something black and mysterious from his coat, in a blink of an eye, I was gone, he will carry that shame around forever and my manky hat.


I wondered through the wood,
Getting followed by shadows screaming for blood.
Hello I said, but no one was there,
All but two shadows that decided to stare.
I was covered in mud,
The moaning had stopped- was this good?
The shadows were there,
Did I dare?
I could not bare,
I didn’t care!
I ran for my life,
Screaming to my wife,
I love you, I love you!
If I don’t live,
I want you to give,
Everyone my love,
Its like a dove.
Take care!
If this is the end,
I want to make amends!
I’ll miss you!


Jo and Susan liked to kill,
But never got caught.
One night they went to a house,
That was home to an old man and his mouse,
they opened the door that creaked,
And then Susan took a peek.
Suddenly they jumped inside,
The walls were painted like a tide,
They heard a squeak, then a wheel,
Then Jill started to squeal.
The man then woke up he got a knife,
And came down stairs to see a light,
Then he went into a room,
Then saw them both…
He charged at them,
They ran away,
And stood in the park,
Till the very next day.


Walking through the desert, Jim and Elizabeth were all alone. They had no one else to talk to. All they had was the clothes they had on and a hat to block the sun. The couple were thirsty; they set off to find a drink of water. No luck for them today! They searched and searched all day,  but still it could not be. Days passed by but no water or food! Later that day they sadly passed away. Their bodies haunt the desert today still in search of water. In the desert listen and you will hear them searching!

Molly C

I stared into her big brown eyes as I stood on the hard black desk. I was scared, no terrified and worried. I had a camera in my hand. Her hands were ice, she was shaking, every time she took a breath she froze.
I did not know what to do, I was not cold but I was frozen. The fear inside me was building up, I slowly and steadily stood up. I did not know what was happening, it was like I was dead, stone dead! Sometime later I woke up in hospital -they told me I died.
Can I just say heaven’s beautiful!

Caitlin F

Flicking through the interesting pictures on my plastic toy camera, a beautiful brown haired girl appeared. She looked scared and worried as her face was as hard as stone! I’d never noticed this picture before. Suddenly the gorgeous girl in the picture started to fade away! Think! I don’t know what I should do! It was erasing away from the picture and my memory! I started to feel incredibly unstable as I toppled over my toy box. My whole life flashed before my eyes and it looks like the girl in the photo was my twin sister! Maybe in a different dimension I am dead!